Clear skies over Chelmorton Low but Festival postponed
Skies clear of aeroplane trails in the heart of the Peak District, Chelmorton Low fifteen hundred feet above sea level.
2020 opened with gales, wind and snow in Main Street, the road never closed as white mornings and wind raced over the village sat high in the Peak District.
2020 dates. The summer village fete comes first in the year, then the big village event is the red tractor float entry with an Elvis theme for Buxton Carnival,.
Arrival of March Covid has changed diaries in the village...
The village summer festival has been cancelled.
Buxton Carnival and the Chelmorton red tractor entry of Elvis has been cancelled.
The Chelmorton Chase, September 22nd remains on at this time and has been registered with the Peak National Park Authority and the Fell Running Association.
You can find more details of Chelmorton events on the news updates here and on the events section of the web.