Big turnout of children for April Spring Clean in Church
Clearing the Shelves of St Johns Chelmorton.
May Bank Holiday, standing room only for family service engaging many Chelmorton children tacking stock post Easter and clearing the mind.
Chelmorton with its reputation for a strong turnout of youngsters at its first of the month family service made no exception for May and the first youngsters service after Easter. Bank holiday sunshine and birth of a princess was talk of Main Street on the way to the golden locust of St Johns in Chelmorton. Vicar John Fountain raised a theme, ‘Taking stock of our journey so far – and taking time for clearing the mind’ Vicar John with church warden Irene Ottey had laid out the Lady Chapel with bench seats putting the village youth at the front of the task ahead. It was standing room only as adults made up the side seats to fill the Lady Chapel. The theme saw the children of the village re-visit the seasons of the church as they paraded the pictures and work of the year before Easter from Christmas crib to harvest festival. ‘tacking stock’ ‘clearing the mind’. It was a joy to see the young engagement to the church. Hymns sung loud, ‘Kum ba yah’ to accompany the children playing violin. Warden Irene Ottey had tea, coffee and biscuits waiting to replenish the adults as the children then set about storing the past work in the church shed. The church was clear post Easter, the minds clear. Much talk focused on the coming summer, Chelmorton re-entering its tractor float in Buxton carnival July 11th and then the following week for Chelmorton festival with a spectacular Saturday event for the village July 18th. All details contact David Race.